Whether you are looking for tools for recruitment and selection, personal growth or leadership development... we can definitely help!
DISC Profiles

DISC explores: HOW do we prefer to behave and communicate?
The DISC model is a four-factor model that helps people understand and appreciate their own behavioural style, the style of others, and how to adapt their style to suit a situation or person.
The 4 core DISC behaviours measured are:
◆ Dominance - Our response to problems & challenges.
◆ Influence - Our response to people & contact.
◆ Steadiness - Our response to pace & consistency.
◆ Compliance - Our response to procedures & constraints.
DISC is the world’s #1 behavioural assessment, taken by millions of people every year and estimated to be in use by 75% of Fortune 500 companies. DISC is a very simple yet powerful four-quadrant framework used to articulate the common ways that all human beings tend to behave and communicate. the TTI Success Insights DISC profile is recognised as the most user-friendly and well-researched DISC profile available anywhere in the world.
The TTI Success Insights DISC profile is available in a number of versions specifically designed for different applications
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360 Degree Assessment
If you are interested in using 360° feedback as a development tool in your business, then why not tap into our experience and resources to help make the process a success for you and your business?
We can help you with:
◆ Identifying competencies and behaviours to measure.
◆ The creation of a 360° survey instrument.
◆ Briefing of all participants on process and expectations.
◆ Delivery of high quality 360° feedback reports.
◆ Individual debriefing and interpretation of results.
◆ Individual coaching for the development and implementation of improvement plans.
◆ Follow-up 360° reports to compare results and assess progress.
360° feedback is used to measure soft skills. The standard Cardinal Solutions 360° instrument is comprised of five competencies. Each competency contains a set of behavioural based questions designed to create a comprehensive picture of the feedback recipient’s performance.
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Acumen Capacity Index (ACI)

Our ability to discern and interpret our experiences lies at the core of our unique talents. These patterns of thought affect our actions, interactions and decisions every day. The Acumen Capacity Index (ACI) provides a model to identify, appreciate and develop these patterns of thought to achieve our greatest impact.
ACI assesses a person’s clarity and focus in these three distinct dimensions of thought:
◆ Systemic: Definitions, structure and order.
◆ Extrinsic: Comparisons, practicality and usefulness.
◆ Intrinsic: Feelings, emotions and individuality.
People use each of the three dimensions in varying degrees; however, all are used in the process of making a decision. The difference in clarity and focus in each area define how we think and make decisions. This unique pattern of thinking provides us with the natural talents that develop as a result.
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◆ Driving Forces
If you are serious about employee engagement, then you need to be serious about understanding what drives and motivates your people. This profile provides tremendous insight into the triggers that switch people on or off in the workplace.
◆ Emotional Quotient
Emotional intelligence (EI) is considered to be one of the most desirable characteristics in a leader. One study found that individuals with high EI could be 40% to 122% more effective in positions involving influencing, managing, negotiating and/or serving others.
As the global economy evolves, transferable, non-technical skills have become the new currency. The TTI DNA® explores 25 business-related competencies and one's level of development in each.
◆ Talent Insights
This unique profile combines the science behind the world famous DISC profile with the powerful insights of Driving Forces and Workplace Motivators to give in depth insights into not only how we behave but also why we do so.
◆ Trimatrix HD
TriMetrix® HD is a quad-science assessment! Combining four cutting edge assessments to explore behavioural style, personal motivators, acumen, and competencies. TriMetrix® HD is a powerful addition for any trainer, coach, or consultant's toolkit!
For more information on any of these profiles and assessments